Join us to 40th IASP World Conference on Science Parks & Areas of Innovation around this focus talk : From healthcare to well being : how ambitious can Luxembourg be in thriving innovative health solutions.
Jean-Paul Scheuren is co-owner and developer of House of Biohealth and the new Heal Campus initiative. The House of Bioheath is an 15000sqm Accelerator facility for BioHealth Companies offering 9000sqm of Labinfratsructure amongst which 300 sqm BIO- Incubator plug-in labs for start-ups and 6 000 sqm of Office, Conference and Meeting Rooms.
Following the success of HOB, he started with his partners in collaboration with Ministrey of Economics the Heal Campus – a 80 000sqm HealthTech focused accelerator and living lab combining a physical and digital campus, for the growth and development of start-ups and companies engaged in HealthTech. The campus is sustainably designed and constructed, to promote well-being and a healthy environment.
The mission is to provide a unique interlinked data driven and healthy campus so that innovative companies and their talents can thrive and create next generation solutions that improve human health.
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